Executive Coaching
What’s involved.
Your coach utilizes assessments, asks the right questions, listens carefully to what you tell them, jointly develops relevant assignments, identifies your resources (experiences and qualities), creates strategies to overcome blocks to success, works towards a high degree of self-care, and identifies your values and vision. A key aspect of the coaching relationship is on developing appropriate action steps to help you move toward your goals and dreams. Clients typically report that their sense of learning and performance, and quality of life is improved as a result.
Initial Coaching Assessment
A discussion that happens in the first session that involves reviewing your goals, history of the issue, strategies that you have tried, and new actions that you are considering taking.
Follow-Up Coaching Sessions
Sessions following your initial assessment that involve working on your goals, assessing progress and reviewing homework assignments.

The solution starts with you.
Solution Focused Coaching is based on your strengths and resources, previous successful experiences and your ability to make a change. You are the most adequate expert when it comes to your own life. This approach can help you to identify various capacities and tap into the courage to improve your situation.
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) draws on evidence-based psychological models. The strategies, activities, techniques and exercises used can be effective in helping you identify and challenge self-defeating thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Negative thoughts lead to uncomfortable emotions, which can lead to unhelpful behaviours, all of which has an effect on how you feel physically. This approach can help you gain perspective about the patterns underlying the difficulties that you are experiencing and make targeted changes.
Address many issues.
Team development/effectiveness
Emotional intelligence
Leadership development
Conflict management
Career transitions
Work-life integration
Time management
Public speaking concerns
Communication concerns
Toxic workplaces